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Re: plan for a patch release

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 00:01:35 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 20 Jul 2018, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> I'm thinking it might be a good idea to spend the entire 8 week period on
> bug fixes this time to give us some time to get back on track - even though
> we're now at 6(!) PRs waiting to get merged in the next feature-window...

We still have an uncomfortable amount of open bugs in the tracker. I've spent
an ungodly amount of hours recently on some of the http2 related ones and I
believe - or hope - I've cleaned up some of those problems now. I hope to get
confirmations soon but I also expect to get some more work before I'm happy.

Since I'm not ready to ship a patch release "soon", I'm hereby officially call
this to be a patch-release cycle and aim at shipping 7.61.1 on September 5
with no changes/features, only bugfixes (including possible security related
fixes of course).

The next feature window opening is thus postponed until then.

Please join me and help me fix as many bugs as possible until release.

Received on 2018-07-30